Wedding Cake Design Software. There are so many styles of wedding cakes to choose from these days where do you begin? To get started, click below, then choose Help > Getting Started from the command menu. (Please note that this app is not yet mobile friendly and works best when run in a brower on a high resolution computer monitor.) Join thousands of professional bakers and design beautiful wedding cakes that will impress your clients using the most sophisticated cake decorating app available.
Beside with providing these basic tweaking options; online cake design software is a complete pack of amazing features.
A. in. cake design software free download free download - Design Home, Design Home, Wedding Cake Design, and many more programs baking it pro is a software platform to run your cake/baking business. design and cost cakes & bakes with an integrated quote and order management platform, and all the things in between! build these cakes and sketches & cost them! share them with your customers in quotes or during consultations.
Please note: This cake design uses milk chocolate in the decorating. Even if you are not planning on making your own wedding cake you can still design it. Her work has been featured in "Black Praxis" Second Edition, the NoMoreSilentCries anthology, "Present Magazine," "Riseup Magazine," and "Essence." She is the author of "Sweet.