How to Cook Ham using a Slow Cooker

Learn how to cook ham, Gekochter Schinken, using this slow cooker ham recipe. It's so quick to prepare and is so wonderfully deliciously tender. Doing it in the slow cooker, the ham is bathed in apple juice, honey, and mustard. This gives it a great flavor and keeps it extremely moist. Absolutely PERFECT! Make this quickly in the morning and leave it till supper. It'll be ready to serve when you come home after a busy day.

Above you'll see the company dinner I made with this. To serve along side, I made Oma's Scalloped Potatoes that go so amazingly with the ham. Using the slow cooker, made this so much easier. No last minute hassle and it all keeps nice and warm if dinner is delayed.

I love using my new Cuisinart Slow Cooker! (I gave away my old one!)

Not only is it a slow cooker, but it's a Multicooker!

That means it can be used to quickly brown or sauté the meat (up to 400 °F) before setting it to slow cook (at various temps) ...

and there's a 'steam' option as well!

With a 24-hour timer and an automatic Keep Warmfeature, I LOVE this! Click on the photo for more information!!!!! You'll love using this, just like I do!

How to Cook Ham in the Slow Cooker

Ingredients:6 - 8 lb ham (smoked pork picnic shoulder)
1 cup apple juice
1 Tbsp German mustard
1 Tbsp honey
freshly ground pepper

Instructions:Trim fat from ham if necessary to fit into slow cooker.
Put ham into slow cooker.
Mix apple juice, mustard, and honey. Pour over ham.
Grind some pepper over top of ham.
Cover and cook on low for about 6 hours. See hints below.
Remove ham and serve sliced.
Serves at least 8 (for an 8 lb. ham) with leftovers